365 days until it's too late

by Jake | 10:26 PM in | comments (0)

Looking back over the year '09, I realize that I am incredibly blessed, yet I am disgusted with myself. I see how my crooked and perverse heart has pushed me the wrong way. I see God's hand pulling me back from the edge of the cliff, back into His many blessings.
Looking back, I am utterly shocked, yet not surprised.

Looking back, I am not the person I was at the outset of '09. I have grown, changed; I have become a different person. In 365 days, I will be in the place again. The place will be the same, but I won't.

It was early the Spring of '08 if I recall correctly. In the middle of a cornfield, I was visiting my sister at Cedarville University. Soberly, after a day of college fun, I lay on a couch in a college dorm. It was a lack-luster couch by all means. Uncomfortable springs jabbing into my side. An unusual, unnatural odor wafting in my face. Regardless, my mind was consumed by something bigger, something more... abstract.
I saw my life. I saw both my blessings and my failures.
I saw clearly who I was, and I prayed to God regarding all that was before my mind's eye. I am not sure what I was praying for specifically, but God responded to me in a way that I did not expect. He told me clearly "by the end of the year, you will be a different person". While it may not have been those exact words, or even in the form of words at all, the message was clear.
Every day that passes by, I was making a choice. Not just what I would do that day, but who I would be at the end of the year. At the end of 08', God was right. I had changed.

I make this post, not because of my past experience, but because of the future. I realized, that through the year 2010, another metamorphosis will take place. But I realize, even more than ever, I need God through it. I have learned, that the only way to change for the better, is to let God work in my heart.

365 days, until it's too late. Too late to do things differently.Too late to be a better person.

Hindsight is 20/20 , so they say.
I just don't want to look back in regret.

The little that i Know

by Jake | 9:07 PM in | comments (1)

Familiarity breeds comtempt they say. I have to add, it always is pretty nifty at producing complacency. It is at this point where I should tell a pleasent anecdote about how I took something in life for granted, then when I lost it, I realized how much it was worth... um... yeah.
So nothing is coming to mind. My apologies.

Now that we have that out of the way, let me cut to the chase.

Durring the summer, I had the blessing of going to a college age group Bible study. One of the nights, we discussed the Beatitudes. Now, I have heard the Beatitudes backward and forward since I was a wee child who didn't understand them. As I grew older, I am pretty sure I had to memorize them for Sunday school, when I could understand what the words meant. As I headed into late teen-hood, I would hear them and understand every concept in the verses and everything in the universe for that matter. Now, as I head right into a brickwall, I realize how little I understand.
One of the verses hit a chord with me. A very strong chord.

Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "

This verse has baffled me in the most profound, almost life changing way. I will admit now, that I don't understand it. I don't know what it means to be "poor in spirit" but I have a feeling it has to do with being humble. I don't know what it means to have "the kingdom of heaven" but I am more then willing to guess that is a pretty sweet piece of realestate. While I can't understand the verse, I struck a chord with another verse that came to mind. These two passages together got my head spinning. The second passage was Galtians chapter 5.

Galatians 5:19-21 "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God"

Now, looking at that list of sins, I know I can claim more than one of them, as I am sure you can as well. Especially if we are looking at the depth of these sins and their implications. Idolatry: putting anything before God in your life. Jealousy: not being satisfied with what God has given you in life. etc...
This list that Paul provided covers an extremely broad amount of sin. Now have always just look at these sins, and contrasted them agains the latter half of the chapter, saying "these are the bad things that are the fruit of our flesh and those are the good fruit of the spirit. Simple enough.

But something hit me. A basic logical syllagism..

These sins =/= getting the kingdom of heaven.
Being poor in spirit = kingdom of heaven
Therefore, being poor in spirit =/= these sins.

Essentially, if we are completely bankrupt in spirit, we won't sin. Now, I know that Jesus is the only One who could ever be completely poor in spirit, but He is our example after all, isn't He?

I believe it is possible to over extrapolate ideas from Scripture, but I believe I have extrapolate this with the contexts of the verses in mind; I also believe that this conclusion is in line with the rest of scripture.

So where does this leave me?
I don't know what it means to inherit the kingdom of heaven. I am not quite sure what it means to be "poor in spirit", but I do know my sin. I know my heart and even better know that it needs a lot of work. I don't fully understand the implications of these passages, but know they have great truth in them.
I don't know what it means to be poor in spirit, but I know that I want to know. I what to know the depths of it's meaning, but even more so, I want to be it.

I don't have a spell check on this computer, so I apologize for any spelling errors. I am too tired to proof read, so I apologize for any grammatical errors.


by Jake | 10:30 AM in | comments (2)

I have been cooking much more than normal the past week, I wanted to share my joy with the world!

Monday- Spaghetti w/ meat sauce and a salad
Tuesday- Chicken picatta, glazed carrots and a loaf of focaccia bread.
Wednesday- Chicken Quesadillas w/ a fresh tomato, cucumber and onion relish.
Thursday- Hamburgers with Creme brulee for desert
Friday(had company over)- Baked cod, broccoli, corn, mashed potatoes with Apple Crisp(crumble if you are British) and Brownies(from scratch) for dessert.

It has been great to be back in the kitchen.

Shout-out to Micah

by Jake | 4:37 PM in | comments (1)

Avacado+balsamic vinegar= Amazing!

Thanks for the tip.

of sonnets and poetry

by Jake | 7:08 AM in | comments (3)

On the way home from Nationals, Andrew and I had some really interesting conversations about poetry. I even got to look on as Andrew wrote a sonnet on the ride home. This really inspired me to give metered poetry a try. With help from Andrew, this is my first attempt.

I see through eyes of tainted kind,
The truth, the world, my trite, my whole.
Assured of things I've not divined,
My heart is that which lies console.
Within my pride, I try to think,
That I am right within my wrongs.
My hollow faith begins to sink,
Too far away from hallowed throngs.
I stand alone without a choice.
My lies, my vice hath brought me here.
I hope and wait to hear a voice
Of One I know, Who stills my fear.
And now my soul, it doth so pine,
To now behold that glorious sign.

A Healthy Dose of Perspective

by Jake | 9:25 PM in | comments (4)

I was in South Carolina for public speaking and debate Nationals. I walked into a local grocery store near my hotel. I took a moment to survey my surroundings. I saw a midget. I smiled.

Now, let me take to clarify. Midgets are amazing, and I have nothing against them. In fact, one of the coolest people I have ever worked with was a midget. Thus, please bear with me as we discuss how midgets are, and are not different from us, the tall people.

Looking at the fairly tall person standing in the door way, he gave a nod and with a degree of Southern hospitality and asked "How's it goin?". After a casual reply, I began to make my way toward the back of the store to find the bottled water section. Once I had all that I needed, I naturally went to check out. Behind the check-out thingy, to my surprise, I saw Mr. Midget standing on a stool, starting to scan my items. He struggled with the water, but clearly knew he could handle it on his own. I walked out of the store and found the car while lost in thought. His name tag noted that he was the manager. He was obviously quite capable of running things efficiently. He obviously was a very friendly person. He was obviously living a perfectly normal life.Then... why? Why didn't it feel obvious we so similar?

I have been thinking a lot about "Perspective" lately, and this incident made a lot of things "click" in my head. On the car ride down to South Carolina, my friend Andrew had kept me company and gave me the pleasure of some stimulating discussion. One thing he mentioned was a book that compared our relations with geometry. This idea came to mind as I left the store.

In the backseat, ideas bounced around. "We live in the exact same world, yet my life would be completely different if I was him. He has different trials than me, different frustrations and even different tasks. I honestly wouldn't be able to relate with many aspects of his life. Heck, I can't relate to a lot of aspects of my friend's lives. What I would give for a day in his shoes. A day to live anyone else's life." That is when it hit me. What perspective truly is. If you look at a sphere from 1 side, it will appear 2D. You can see its height and width, but not its depth. If you have three people looking at the sphere from different angles, they will only see 3 different circles. As long as someone is looking from a slightly different angle, they will see at least a slightly different circle.
This is exactly how we see the world.

The things around us are 3D, having height, width and depth. H. G. Wells explains that "time" is the 4th dimension. However, the world, as whole is essentially 5D. We all see it from our 4D experience in life and see it as what we feel to be a whole. However, there in lies the problem. When we see something that is 5D through 4D lenses, we can only see part of it.

The world is a sphere. I see my circle. you see your circle. We both see the world, and we both see different things. Perspective is how we understand a 5D idea, in a 4D way. The problem with this, is simply that we talk about the same thing, yet we unknowingly are talking about different perspectives of that thing.

I believe this is one of the biggest causes of miscommunication. You might see a red spot on one side of the sphere, while all I see of it is completely blue. The red spot gets you frustrated, while I don't have a clue what is bothering you. Now, a red spot on a sphere might seem trivial, but it is just a metaphor. Imagine the sphere is my
words, the blue is fun, and the rest spot is your pain. While my words seem to be completely fun to me, there is an obvious pain in them for you.

Do I want to hurt you with my words? Not in the least! Do I hurt you with my words, to my knowledge, for the most part no. Yes there have been some instances that I know of, and I have done my best to make amends. Have I hurt people without my knowing? Hah! I don't know, but I wouldn't surprise me. I see the world from my perspective, and that just isn't enough.

What is the significance of this? In all honesty, I am not completely sure at the moment. But I know 2 things.

1. Don't be afraid to explain your perspective. Especially when I or others seem to miss your point. and...
2. I am need to be willing to take a few steps to the side, and see things from your perspective. I am sick of seeing the world through "me" tainted glasses. It is time for a little perspective.

I feel like I am starting to understand something that is very simple. It would be great to hear your perspective on this subject and, to my delight, my good friend Andrew has agreed to post his perspective on the subjective of perspective.

Hopefully my convoluted thoughts are convey the impact that I am feeling.

[Warning!!! This is a muddle of many unsorted thoughts that have been compiling for quite a little while now. Be warned, this is meant as more of an outline than a message to be communicated. If you can find a flow of thoughts, you have a true skill. ]

This year I have had both the blessing and the curse of spending large amounts of time studying the relationship between Idealism and Pragmatism for debate.

Idealism says we should pursue high and noble principles.

Pragmatism says we should focus on practicality and results.

The more I study these philosophies, the more I realize they really don't matter. They both have their benefits and harms, however they have something very important in common with each other.
They are both completely and utterly dependant on what you personally value. If you value something bad your perception of "noble principles" and "practical results" will be dangerously off-target. No philosophy can save you if your desires, motivations and reasons are all defective.

While this truth might be amusing in philosophy, it has taken on a whole new level of meaning when I look at my own life. Now, comparatively, I wouldn't call myself a horrible person. However, compared to my goal, I am a horribly depraved person. I see all the sin in my life and something it makes me angry. Other times sad. Frustrated. Depressed. And worse, apathetic.

I see the shortcomings in life and wonder, "why?". The answer, I am realizing, is simply because I am valuing the wrong things. Instead of focusing on my relationship with Christ, I focus on the petty things of life. Instead of wanting to know God's Words, I want to check my e-mail. I let the little self-centered things fill up my life instead of God.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Gal 5:1

I don't need to be "enslaved" to serving myself and I shouldn't be! I have been set free so I can follow Christ and stay free. Being free is tougher than I thought it would be, but it is something I need to learn.

(Disclaimer: I very rarely listen to this style of music, however I recently have listened to a few songs by the band Flobots. I can't say I like rap, but for some reason this song jumped out at me. other songs by Flobots aren't always appropriate, thus I wouldn't recommend them.

"You've got the freedom to
Make a decision
Will you abandon
All your addictions
Take your stand and
Live your convictions
What've you got to lose
What've you been taught to chose"
-Flobots, Jetpack

We have the freedom (in Christ) to make a decision. We can abandon everything we have in life and stand for something, or we can choose to go back into slavery.
"What've we got to lose?"

"Whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ "
-Philippians 3:7-8

The answer is simple. We have nothing to lose. If we understand even a fraction of how valuable Christ is, everything, EVERYTHING else becomes "rubbish". It is such a simply truth, yet I seem to have so much difficulty understanding it.

"Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all"

It is so simple! Yet... I also manage to over complicate it. All my shortcomings. All my pain. All my sin is from the fact that I can not fully embrace a simple truth. All our lives fall short because we have the wrong desires, motivations and reasons behind our thoughts and actions.

"it's so hard to be objective,when your reason is defective."
-Five Iron Frenzy, Farewell to Arms

That would be the end of the story,

"But the beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair"
-Relient K

We read in 2 Tim 2:13:
"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself "

I'm so thankful, that the truth is not contingent on me
-Caedmon's Call

... What words can I add to that?

(Note, this post is a week old)

So last night my dad left on a mission trip to Honduras. The whole team met up at the church last night and surprisingly enough, I got drafted to pack the cars within a few minutes. One of the men from my church, (Bob) was also helping to pack up the luggage. At one point he told me "try putting this suitecase behind that orange bag". I look into the back of the mini-van, looked back at Bob and was confused. "Behind what?" I asked. "The orange bag back there" he replied.
There were a few brownish-orange suitcases, and there was a red bag, but certainly no orange bag. From his pointing, I was able to figure out that he was talking about the red bag.

Now this bag wasn't just red. It was clearly and unmistakably red! I was so tempted to correct him and tell him that the bag so red, not orange. However, I didn't say a word and just went on packing. A minute later I remembered something..... Bob is color-blind.

At the moment it struct me. I did the right thing without really even realizing it. To have corrected him wouldn't have been the most polite thing to do and it could have awkward for him. Then I thought about it, "what harm is gonna come from him not knowing the accurate color of that bag?" He will never see the bag again. In a week he most likely won't even remember that bag. Did him being wrong really matter?

This is a lesson I am starting to learn in life. People are wrong, a lot. I am not saying I am too, but we can deal with that issue later ; ). So yeah, people are wrong, what's the big deal? Of course, there are times when beind wrong can be bad. A doctor gives you the wrong prescription. The pastor teaches a wrong doctrine. The president signs the wrong papers... etc. I think everyone can agree that there are times where being wrong is anything but pleasent.

However, I am starting to realize that there are many times where it is fine or even a good idea to simply let people be wrong. I can't not recall how many debate and arguments I have gotten into over the years, just because I thought someone was wrong. More than half the times, it didn't really matter.

The truth is, we are humans and we are always gonna be wrong. If I feel the need to correct every mistake that someone else makes, I am gonna step on a lot of feet. Adding to the futility, I am probably wrong half the time. I think I am starting a long road of learning self-control and discernment.

I am simply here

by Jake | 5:34 PM in | comments (0)

Well, I guess this is officially my first post.

After some thought and some pushing from friends, I gave in. I made a blog. I am here. This will be a place where I will post my thoughts whether random or deep. If you find my thoughts interesting, they are here for you to read. If you wouldn't rather not, I can't blame you.

At times, this may be a journal. More often, it will be an outlet for my crazy and confused thoughts. However, it will always be here for my passing whim.

I have mixed feelings about blogging, but I am here, for better or for worse.


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