(Note, this post is a week old)
So last night my dad left on a mission trip to Honduras. The whole team met up at the church last night and surprisingly enough, I got drafted to pack the cars within a few minutes. One of the men from my church, (Bob) was also helping to pack up the luggage. At one point he told me "try putting this suitecase behind that orange bag". I look into the back of the mini-van, looked back at Bob and was confused. "Behind what?" I asked. "The orange bag back there" he replied.
There were a few brownish-orange suitcases, and there was a red bag, but certainly no orange bag. From his pointing, I was able to figure out that he was talking about the red bag.
Now this bag wasn't just red. It was clearly and unmistakably red! I was so tempted to correct him and tell him that the bag so red, not orange. However, I didn't say a word and just went on packing. A minute later I remembered something..... Bob is color-blind.
At the moment it struct me. I did the right thing without really even realizing it. To have corrected him wouldn't have been the most polite thing to do and it could have awkward for him. Then I thought about it, "what harm is gonna come from him not knowing the accurate color of that bag?" He will never see the bag again. In a week he most likely won't even remember that bag. Did him being wrong really matter?
This is a lesson I am starting to learn in life. People are wrong, a lot. I am not saying I am too, but we can deal with that issue later ; ). So yeah, people are wrong, what's the big deal? Of course, there are times when beind wrong can be bad. A doctor gives you the wrong prescription. The pastor teaches a wrong doctrine. The president signs the wrong papers... etc. I think everyone can agree that there are times where being wrong is anything but pleasent.
However, I am starting to realize that there are many times where it is fine or even a good idea to simply let people be wrong. I can't not recall how many debate and arguments I have gotten into over the years, just because I thought someone was wrong. More than half the times, it didn't really matter.
The truth is, we are humans and we are always gonna be wrong. If I feel the need to correct every mistake that someone else makes, I am gonna step on a lot of feet. Adding to the futility, I am probably wrong half the time. I think I am starting a long road of learning self-control and discernment.
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